If you are thinking about starting a business and working with others, you will want to consider carefully whether you are going to onboard team members as independent contractors or employees. Here are the reasons I choose to hire employees, rather than independent contractors.
I hire employees because I want to be able to train them
You are not allowed to train independent contractors
I value training and professional development I provide for my team
I hire employees because I don't want to live in fear of being audited by the IRS
Who wants to live in fear of breaking the rules?
I value training and professional development I provide for my team
I hire employees because there are some hidden benefits
I received over $50,000 in tax credits
About the author:
Sean McCormick is a parent, husband and international executive function coach. He is the founder of Executive Function Specialists, an online coaching business which guides middle, high school, and college students in overcoming procrastination, disorganization and anxiety by teaching time management, prioritization and communication skills so they feel motivated, prepared, and empowered.
He has also spoken about executive function at prominent venues including the Association of Educational Therapists' National Conference, at the Athenian School and on the Qualified Tutors Podcast.
And last but not least, Sean has hosted over 50 episodes the Earn More Tutoring Podcast with a mission to eradicate educator poverty. The show recently surpassed 8,000 downloads.
Sean is regularly featured across media channels for his expertise on executive function, ADHD and special education.